Aya’s Place
Pause. reflect. grow.
With the challenges of a dual pandemic, COVID19 and the pervasive nature of structural racism, there lies a space to create what could be both in our individual lives and in the world.
We at PPGJ felt a strong calling to unite with fellow community members and do what we could to meet this moment of possibility and potential by creating a sanctuary for the inner artist to emerge.
In order to reimagine ourselves and our world, we invited beauty and order (thanks to LiLu Interiors) to merge with purpose and intent. This nurturing and creative space we named Aya's Place.
AYA (pronounced as “eye–ah”) is part of adinkra—visual symbols linked to the (former) Gyaman kingdom and Ashanti culture. Aya translates as “fern,” and symbolizes endurance, resourcefulness, and defiance against oppression.
Here at Aya's Place, those passionate about employing the arts and humanities to bring about racial justice and healing can pause, reflect and grow. They can have the space they need to connect with their inner artist and reimagine themselves and the world with clarity.
We recognize the impact that art has on broad societal change and on individual health. Humanity needs the artist within as much as the leader within if we are to put an end to systemic racism and create a just and equitable world.
Come cultivate your inner artist and help move the collective vision towards our shared humanity and common destiny.
“During the social unrest last summer, we were moved to do something that would make a difference in our community.”
“Joining many in the Twin Cities reigniting the movement for racial justice last summer, Lilu was inspired by Dr. Tyner’s vision and wanted to help bring it to life.”…
In partnership with LiLu Interiors, Aya’s Place was created…
Aya’s Place is made possible through the generous support of donors, like yourself. Plant a seed today in the life of an artist. Reap a harvest of creativity, justice, and equity.
Thank you to the Corporate Donors below for helping to make this possible.