Interview with Book Award Honoree Isaiah Allen

Isaiah Allen is an author, social justice advocate, and philanthropist from West Saint Paul, Minnesota. He has made major contributions to education, racial justice initiatives, and the non-profit sector. Through service on various boards, he continues to pursue his passion for giving back to the community. Allen was a 2024 Book Award Honoree for the Planting People Growing Justice Book Awards.

“They’re vibrant, they’re diverse, and they’re all about showing that everyone’s got their own unique story to tell.”
~ Allen says of his book characters

What inspired you to write the book that won this PPGJ award, and how do you believe it contributes to the promotion of literacy and diversity in literature?

My inspiration to write the book that won the PPGJ award stemmed from my desire to transform a collection of poems into a full narrative. This creative process was driven by the belief that I could craft a compelling story from these foundational pieces. Regarding the promotion of diversity and literacy, while I am part of a racial minority as a Black man, my presence in the children’s literature genre as a male author is less common. By entering this space, I aim to demonstrate that diverse voices can indeed thrive and make significant contributions. My work not only challenges the norms within children’s literature but also underscores the importance of diverse representation, encouraging a broader spectrum of individuals to engage with reading and storytelling.

What was your approach to portraying diverse characters and cultures in your writing, and what steps do you take to ensure authenticity in your representation?

My book champions the importance of representation by authentically depicting real individuals from my own life experiences. I have made a conscious decision to steer clear of fantastical elements such as talking animals, choosing instead to focus on characters that mirror the human condition and the diverse experiences we encounter. Throughout my schooling, I had the privilege of meeting a wide variety of people, and these interactions have deeply influenced the character development in my narrative. Additionally, the book includes a personal aspect of my life—my diagnosis with Type 1 diabetes during my college years. By sharing this, I aim to offer a realistic and positive perspective on living and managing a chronic condition, providing encouragement and representation for those who may see parts of their own lives reflected in mine.

“I strive to create characters based on real individuals I’ve encountered, who have enriched my life with memorable moments and joy. This approach ensures that each character is not just a fictional creation but a reflection of authentic experiences and real-world diversity. By grounding my characters in reality, I aim to provide a genuine and respectful portrayal of diverse cultures and personalities.”

“The most significant feedback I've received about my book comes from both young readers and community members who are impressed that I managed to publish it in under a year. They express pride and inspiration, some even feeling motivated to support or start their own writing projects. This response highlights how my journey can encourage others to embrace literacy and engage in storytelling themselves.”

How do you believe diverse voices and perspectives improve the literary landscape, and what role do you see your book playing in creating a more inclusive literary community?

I firmly believe that every individual has a unique story to tell, and inherently, every story contributes a diverse perspective to the literary world, even if it draws inspiration from existing narratives. Each story is distinct, yet it’s evident that certain community narratives are often overlooked and lack the visibility they deserve. As a young author in this space, I feel that my presence alone makes a significant difference. By actively sharing my story and engaging with a wide audience, I aim to spotlight these underrepresented voices. Through my book, I endeavor to contribute to a more inclusive literary community, where diverse stories are not only acknowledged but celebrated.

In what ways do you see literature serving as a tool for empathy and understanding, particularly in creating a stronger sense of unity and promoting social justice?

Literature serves as a profound tool for fostering empathy and understanding by providing a medium through which individuals can express their deepest emotions and stories. This form of communication allows readers to gain intimate insights into the souls and hearts of others, thereby bridging cultural and personal divides. By articulating diverse experiences and perspectives, literature plays a critical role in promoting social justice and building a more unified society.

When asked about hopes or aspirations for the future of literature, Allen states:

“Having not been the strongest reader or writer growing up, my appreciation for literature and its profound impact has grown significantly, influencing my academic achievements and entrepreneurial endeavors. Literature has not only shaped me as a community leader but has also unveiled the power of storytelling. Moving forward, I am committed to leveraging my influence to support and empower those who have unique stories to tell, thereby promoting literacy, amplifying diverse voices, and fostering greater inclusivity in the literary world.”

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Tiffany Duck