Mercedes Yarbrough "Mizz Mercedez" discusses the inspiration behind her comic book

In this exclusive interview, we are honored to speak with author Mizz Mercedez, author of Going Back to Rondo. Mizz Mercedez is a distinguished 2023 Planting People Growing Justice Book Award Honoree. Renowned for her impactful writing and community advocacy, Mizz Mercedez has made significant contributions to literature, addressing crucial themes of social justice, empowerment, and community resilience. Her work not only captivates readers but also inspires meaningful conversations and actions towards equity and inclusion. Join us as we delve into her journey as an author, her experiences, and the profound impact her books have had on the Rondo community.

1. What inspired you to write the book that won this PPGJ award, and how do you believe it contributes to the promotion of literacy and diversity in literature?

I was inspired to write this comic after moving back to Rondo in 2021. Rondo’s history always referenced the 94 freeway and never showed the black excellence and community love that made this community special.

2. In what ways does your book reflect the importance of representation in storytelling, especially for readers from underrepresented backgrounds?

I was very intentional with the imagery. I wanted to make sure visually readers would be intrigued and attracted to want to pick up the book and read. I also included real-life places so readers could see themselves as a part of history.

 3. What was your approach to portraying diverse characters and cultures in your writing, and what steps do you take to ensure authenticity in your representation?

I wanted this story to show what life was like for a kid during that time. All the characters are based on real people and their stories.

4. Can you share any feedback or reactions from readers who have found your book personally meaningful or impactful, particularly in terms of promoting literacy and celebrating diversity?

Yes, the elders from the community were the most intrigued by the story and loved the history it showed. Kids love the comic, it was fun for them to read and also because I have a video game that goes with the comic they can play after they read.

5. How do you believe diverse voices and perspectives improve the literary landscape, and what role do you see your book playing in creating a more inclusive literary community?

I think it’s important that our history is told from a positive lens. I wanted this book to be informative, while also having teaching moments. I believe this book makes learning fun and is told in a creative informative way.

 6. Have you encountered any challenges in your effort to advocate for diversity in your writing, and how have you navigated these challenges?

No, I like to call myself a disruptor. I like to do things how I want even if it’s not the typical way of doing things. I believe in being the change YOU want to see. So I create what I want to see and not what society tells me is okay.

7. How do you engage with readers and communities to promote literacy and diversity outside of being an author, and what advice would you offer to aspiring writers seeking to do the same?

I get readers engaged by making learning fun! The advice I would give is to surround yourself with like-minded individuals and people who are doing what you’re aspiring to do. I joined the MN Black Author’s ExPO and was around individuals who were on a similar journey. We were able to support one another, receive advice, and give opportunities and resources.

8. In what ways do you see literature serving as a tool for empathy and understanding, particularly in creating a stronger sense of unity and promoting social justice?

Stories can be used as road maps. It’s important for us to tell our stories from our perspective so that future generations will know their history. Stories keep us and our ancestors alive!

9. Looking ahead, what hopes or aspirations do you have for the future of literature in terms of promoting literacy, amplifying diverse voices, and fostering greater inclusivity in storytelling?

My hope for the future of literature is for readers to believe
and dream big! I want readers to read and become inspired to dream big and be the next creative author of an inspiring story!

Visit Mizz Mercedez’s page.
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Tiffany Duck